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Develop a backend for Car sales company. This can be generalized to any product selling backend. Develop REST and GraphQL APIs, also focuses on how to secure, consume, document, and test those APIs and web services. The API documentation is developed using Swagger.

Boogle Maps

This is a Mock Rest API service that simulates a Maps WebService where, given a latitude longitude, will return a random address.


Classes and package

How to run?

Via shell it can be started using

$ mvn clean package
$ java -jar target/boogle-maps-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

The service is available by default on port 9191. You can check it on the command line by using

$ curl http://localhost:9191/maps\?lat\=20.0\&lon\=30.0

You can also import it as a Maven project on your preferred IDE and run the class BoogleMapsApplication.